Iron Eagle .
Chief of Tanahuachi Native American Church.
Member of the Board of Emoto Peace Project (United States Chapter)
Indian Native American, from an early age was dedicated to spiritual pursuits and cultivate the continuity of the roots of his tribe.
His knowledge is that of his tribe, his wisdom that has been passed down through the oral tradition of their ancestors.
During his life he has internalized and learned different academic disciplines, spiritual tendencies and cultural heritages, which give to their knowledge by “Medicine Man” a different and deeper hue.
Academic studies during his entire professional life Joe Iron Eagle are grounded in the following areas:
Complete studies in Sports Medicine
Higher education in the art and science of Taekwondo
Studies such as Medical Coding Specialist
Complete studies in reflexology
Full title of Master studies in REIKI
Healing with Crystals
Healer with magnetism (magnets)
In the Native American knowledge he learned from his mother, his tribe and his life within nature.
Spiritual Advisor
Healing with Herbs
Vibrational healing with sound through wind,string and percussion instruments and voice.
He is currently based in West Palm Beach, where he directs TANAHUACHI and practice the exercise of spiritual healing, along with other members of TANAHUACHI
Joe Iron Eagle
Jefe de la Iglesia Nativa Tanahuachi
Miembro del board del Proyecto de Paz Emoto (Capítulo Estados Unidos)
Desde temprana edad se dedicó a la búsqueda espiritual y a cultivar la continuidad de las raíces de su tribu.
Su conocimiento, en principio, es el de su tribu, su sabiduría es la que se ha transmitido a través de la tradición verbal de sus antepasados.
Joe Iron Eagle, durante su vida, ha interiorizado y aprendido diferentes disciplinas académicas, tendencias espirituales y herencias culturales, que dan a su conocimiento como Hombre de Medicina, un matiz diferente y profundo.
Los estudios académicos de Joe Iron Eagle están fundamentados en las siguientes áreas:
Estudios completos en Medicina Deportiva
Estudios superiores en el arte y la ciencia del Taekwondo
Estudios como Medical Coding Specialist
Estudios completos en reflexología
Estudios completos con título de Maestro en REIKI
estudios en manejo de cristales
estudios en manejo de magnetismo (imanes)
Dentro de la tradición nativa Americana sus Maestros han sido su Madre, su comunidad y el vivir en la naturaleza.
Consejero Espiritual
Sanador con Hierbas
Sanador con sonido vibracional a través de instrumentos de viento, cuerda y percusión así como voz.